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Research Program

Theodore Cheung, PhD is passionate in applying cognitive neuroscience insights to improve interventions for neurodiverse individuals, particularly through technological and clinical approaches that address both cognitive and emotional development.

Digital Interventions

One of Theodore Cheung, PhD's research programs revolves around leveraging digital tools, particularly apps, to intervene in developmental and neurodiverse conditions, enhancing specific cognitive or behavioral skills. The researcher is particularly focused on how digital tools can support emotional recognition, social cognition, and educational outcomes for autistic and ADHD children.



A significant portion of Theodore Cheung, PhD's work is dedicated to understanding the experiences and challenges faced by neurodiverse individuals, particularly those with ASD. This research focuses on identifying unmet needs, understanding family dynamics, and evaluating interventions that could improve life outcomes for children and young adults with ASD.


Cognitive Neuroscience

Theodore Cheung, PhD has a strong focus on understanding the neural and cognitive mechanisms underlying sensory-motor integration and how these processes relate to developmental changes and clinical populations. This line of research is grounded in experimental studies involving postural control, multisensory processing, cognitive load, and brain activity (e.g., EEG).


MSc, MSSc, CPsych
Clinical Psychologist & Neuropsychologist
Clinical Researcher

teddy.cheung (c)

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